Eccentric spread footing design plays a critical role in foundation engineering, providing stability and support for structures with pedestals that are offset from the center of the footing. These footings are often subjected to unbalanced forces, requiring careful consideration of both demand and capacity to ensure safety and compliance with ACI 318 standards. In this post, we will walk through the essential steps in designing eccentric spread footings, focusing on bearing pressure demands, critical section bending, shear forces, and the evaluation of sliding, overturning, flexural and shear capacities. By addressing these aspects, engineers can verify that footings are capable of withstanding applied loads and maintaining structural integrity under various loading conditions.

Factors to Consider in Eccentric Spread Footing Design
Designing an eccentric spread footing involves analyzing several key factors to ensure the foundation can handle the applied loads and resist failure. The following considerations are essential for a robust and code-compliant design:
Bearing Pressure Demands:
Purpose: Ensure that the soil beneath the footing can safely support the imposed loads without exceeding its bearing capacity.
Considerations: Calculate bearing pressures for both dead and live loads, with separate evaluations for total loads (which may include seismic or wind loads). The allowable bearing pressure may vary depending on the load combination, so it’s essential to check the soil capacity under each condition.
Footing Size and Proportions:
Purpose: Ensure the footing’s size and proportions are adequate to distribute loads without excessive settlement or failure.
Considerations: The eccentricity of the pedestal introduces additional complexity in load distribution. A larger or differently shaped footing may be required to balance the uneven bearing pressures caused by eccentric loads. Pay attention to the footing's dimensions to avoid excessive differential settlement or rotation.
Reinforcement Detailing:
Purpose: Provide adequate reinforcement to resist both bending moments (flexure) and shear forces caused by eccentricity.
Flexural Reinforcement: Eccentric loading causes significant bending moments in the footing. Reinforcing steel should be placed near the tension face of the footing (typically in the bottom layer for footings under compression). Ensure that the reinforcement is detailed according to ACI 318 to resist flexural demands and prevent cracking or failure. Steel should be properly anchored and spaced to accommodate the bending moments about the axis of the eccentricity.
Shear Reinforcement: Eccentric loads can also induce significant shear forces, particularly near the pedestal. While unreinforced concrete can resist some shear, shear reinforcement (stirrups or dowels) may be required to handle higher demands, especially around critical sections near the pedestal. Proper shear reinforcement will prevent shear cracking and ensure that the footing can resist both one-way and two-way (punching) shear.
Load Conditions and Safety Factors:
Purpose: Ensure that the design considers all possible load combinations for both strength and serviceability.
Considerations: As eccentric spread footings may be subjected to varying combinations of dead, live, wind, and seismic loads, load combinations should be carefully considered per ACI 318. Use appropriate safety factors and ensure that both strength and serviceability limits are respected for long-term performance.
Construction Tolerances and Practical Considerations:
Purpose: Ensure the footing can be constructed accurately to perform as designed.
Considerations: Eccentric footings often require more precise formwork and reinforcement placement due to their asymmetric design. Take into account construction tolerances and ensure that on-site conditions (e.g., soil variability, weather) do not affect the performance of the foundation. Proper communication with the construction team is essential to avoid errors during construction.
Design Method: ASD vs. LRFD
Purpose: Ensure that the appropriate design method is applied based on the type of load and element being considered.
Concrete Strength (Flexure & Shear): For strength-related design, such as flexure and shear in concrete, Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) is typically used. This method applies factors to both loads and material strengths to ensure an adequate margin of safety.
Overturning, Sliding, Bearing Pressure: For checks involving soil interactions, such as overturning, sliding, and bearing pressure, Allowable Stress Design (ASD) is more commonly applied. ASD limits the applied loads to prevent overstressing the soil and allows engineers to design for serviceability conditions, ensuring the foundation’s stability under real-world conditions.
Important Details to Be Aware of in Concrete Shear Walls
Eccentric spread footings are commonly used in structures where architectural or site constraints require a pedestal that is offset from the center of the footing. These footings are critical in maintaining the stability of the structure, especially under uneven or eccentric loading conditions. It is essential to pay careful attention to the interaction between the footing and the supporting soil, as the distribution of stresses may be uneven. Additionally, ensuring proper reinforcement detailing is key to increasing the flexural and shear capacities of the footing. This helps prevent failure and ensures the longevity of the structure under various loading scenarios.
Example Problem (Solutions Provided Using CalcBook): Problem Statement:

Step 1: Determine Loads

Step 2: Bearing Pressure Demand (D+L)

Step 3: Bearing Pressure Demand (Seismic or Wind)

Step 4: Critical Section Bending Demand (Flexure)

Step 5: One-Way Shear Demand

Step 6: Two-Way Shear Demand

Step 7: Sliding Capacity

Step 8: Overturning Capacity

Step 9: Flexural Capacity

Step 10: One-Way Shear Capacity

Step 11: Two-Way Shear Capacity

Step 12: Determine Controlling Demand/Capacity Ratio:

In conclusion, the design of eccentric spread footings per ACI 318 requires careful consideration of both demand and capacity calculations. By evaluating bearing pressure, bending, and shear demands, along with sliding, overturning, flexural and shear capacities, engineers can ensure that the footing performs effectively under eccentric loading conditions. Proper attention to detail, including reinforcement design and load combination checks, is crucial for creating a safe and reliable foundation. Eccentric spread footings are an essential part of structural engineering, offering stability for buildings and structures with non-centrally located pedestals.